Friday, November 12, 2010

What's cooking for Thanksgiving?

All right my gourmet club friends... please share. What's going on the table this Thanksgiving?

Nancy and Matt are hosting this year, so as usual, I'm not in charge of the big stuff. I will definitely be bringing these insanely decadent mashed potatoes. I made them last year and they were outstanding.

And I might be making this pumpkin cheesecake. Just 'cause it looks REALLY good.

But sometimes I make this black bottom banana cream pie. Which is also pretty good. And maybe some green beans? But no onions on top. I know better.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Recipe: Basil Parmesan Pot Beans

I made these Basil Parmesan Pot Beans recently and it is now my new favorite way to cook beans. Bad cell phone photography, but it was a really delicious meal.